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Making soft drinks

Originally developed as medicinal remedies, soft drinks quickly burst into a whole new category of non-alcoholic beverages. To make a soft drink, simply dissolve one part syrup into five parts water. For extra punch, add carbon dioxide to turn the mixture into a fizzy drink.

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CO2 is what makes soft drinks cool

If you are making a carbonated soft drink (CSD), the CO2 level needs to be uniform across the entire production. A typical CSD formula contains 6-8 grams of carbon dioxide per liter.

But carbon dioxide does more than add tingle to your soft drink. It lowers the level of acidity and chokes out oxygen, eliminating undesired microorganisms. Carbon evaporates quickly from the tongue, leaving drinkers with a sensation of cooling refreshment.

Why carbonated soft drinks make that hissing sound

No matter the brand, all carbonated soft drink bottles crack open with a hiss. That unmistakable sibilance is the sound of dissolved carbon dioxide escaping through the opening.

But not all carbon flees the bottle, otherwise your drink would lose its fizz. The CO2 stampede that produces the hissing is a chemical reaction that takes place because there is an imbalance of gases within the liquid and outside of it. The exchange of CO2 stops as soon as the concentrations reach a state of equilibrium.

The basic equipment you need to make soft drinks

Before your secret syrup recipe can be enjoyed as a soft drink, it needs to be finished by specialized technologies that ensure a homogeneous and high-quality product.

A line of soft drinks equipment typically start with the mixing and blending units while dissolving machines melt sugars. Depending on the ingredients, and particularly in the case of fruit bases, the system requires pasteurization and clarification before the bottles are ready for filling and labelling.

Sealing it with a crown cap or a twist-off stopper

The slender neck of soft drink glass bottles is made for a crown cap. Developed specifically to seal carbonated beverages over 130 years ago, the closure technique still stands the test of time. Over the decades, however, caps have become flatter than the original design and standardized into a 21-tooth rim.

The emergence of PET bottles led to plastic twist-off caps that do the same job, without the need of a bottle opener. This alternative allows consumers to re-close the drinks securely, making it a perfect choice for your larger-sized bottles.

Soft drinks return to the wellness route

A pushback against high sugar content is opening new avenues for soft drinks manufacturers. Classic recipes are experimenting with low-sugar and zero-calorie products. Reducing sugars is already a radical change, but some producers are going further and enriching their recipes with nutrients such as prebiotics and minerals.

Meanwhile, a wave of flavor experimentation is bringing bold new drinks. Particularly in the commercial juice market with, tastes ranging from pear elderflower to salty watermelon.

Processing steps involved in soft-drinks making

Which soft drinks technology do you need?

Tunnel pasteurizer, heater, recooler for fruit juices and soft drinks

Tunnel pasteurizer, heater, recooler for fruit juices and soft drinks

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Premix system for soft drinks production

Premix system for soft drinks production

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Plate flash pasteurizer for fruit juices and soft drinks

Plate flash pasteurizer for fruit juices and soft drinks

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Mixer-pasteurizer-carbonator for soft drinks and juices

Mixer-pasteurizer-carbonator for soft drinks and juices

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Microfiltration system for fruit juice and soft drinks

Microfiltration system for fruit juice and soft drinks

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Deaeration system for fruit juices and soft drinks

Deaeration system for fruit juices and soft drinks

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Cleaning in place for fruit juices and soft drinks

Cleaning in place for fruit juices and soft drinks

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Syrup clarification for fruit juices and soft drinks

Syrup clarification for fruit juices and soft drinks

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Carbonators for fruit juice and soft drinks

Carbonators for fruit juice and soft drinks

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Blending system for fruit juices and soft drinks

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Sugar dissolving system for industrial applications

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Reverse osmosis systems for industrial water treatment

Reverse osmosis systems for industrial water treatment

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Nanofiltration systems for water pretreatment

Nanofiltration systems for water pretreatment

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Inline carbonation solution for beverages

Inline carbonation solution for beverages

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High-capacity manual mixer for industrial applications

High-capacity manual mixer for industrial applications

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Tunnel pasteurizer for beverages

Tunnel pasteurizer for beverages

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Heating and cooling tunnel for beverages

Heating and cooling tunnel for beverages

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High-speed wet glue labelling system

High-speed wet glue labelling system

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Compact wet glue labeling system for low volume production

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Storage tank for dairy products and juices

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Tubular pasteurizer for fruit juices and nectars

Tubular pasteurizer for fruit juices and nectars

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Enzyme inactivation for fruit juices and nectars

Enzyme inactivation for fruit juices and nectars

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High solids crossflow filter for fruit juices and nectars

High solids crossflow filter for fruit juices and nectars

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Plate and sheet filter for fruit juices

Plate and sheet filter for fruit juices

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Horizontal plate filtration for fruit juices

Horizontal plate filtration for fruit juices

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Evaporators for fruit juices and syrups

Evaporators for fruit juices and syrups

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Desulphurizer for fruit juices and nectars

Desulphurizer for fruit juices and nectars

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Batch blenders for fruit juices and nectars

Batch blenders for fruit juices and nectars

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Co2/o2 beverage filling device

Co2/o2 beverage filling device

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Automated quality control for beverage packaging

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Automatic carbonated beverage mixing system

Automatic carbonated beverage mixing system

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Mobile mixing system for beverages in breweries

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Beverage deaeration, carbonation and mixing system

Beverage deaeration, carbonation and mixing system

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