Optical fill level controller

Accurate fill level inspection for transparent, opaque and foaming liquids, that makes sure the cap is an exact fit.

Optical precision fill level inspection

The Newton Optical fill level controller, from Miho performs a precise fill level inspection that is hard to match. This precise level measurement is technically based on a special camera light construction. The images are evaluated by the image-processing system Miho videos that have been designed specifically by Miho Inspection system for inspection tasks.

Cap inspection: The Miho Newton Optic 2 checks that the cap fits exactly. Furthermore, the color and logo can be checked by using an additional camera. This Optical fill level controller is with all its technical ingenuity a very robust and low-maintenance system. Unlike machines that use radiation or X-ray technology, no statutory requirements need to be observed.


  • Evaluation of images by image-processing
  • Additional cameras to check color and logo
  • Robust system
  • Precision inspection based on special camera light construction

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