Storage tank for dairy products and juices

In the beverage and dairy industries, preserving the integrity and quality of liquid products is crucial. Challenges include preventing sedimentation and maintaining ideal temperatures while ensuring easy and thorough cleaning of storage units.

Ensures optimal preservation conditions

The MT line tank from Boema is designed to store dairy products, fruit juices, beverages, mineral waters, and soft drinks effectively. Its design focuses on easy cleaning and surface finishing to maintain hygiene. The tanks typically do not come with stirrers but can be equipped with slow or quick stirrers if necessary to prevent sedimentation. To preserve the organoleptic qualities of the products, the tanks can be prepared for nitrogen inerting and can operate under light over-pressure. Temperature control is achieved through a cooling interspace on the bottom and the cylindrical plating, thoroughly tested for 6 bar pressure. The interspace design supports optimal circulation of the heating fluid. High-density insulation covered by stainless steel jackets minimizes thermal loss, ensuring the contents remain at the correct temperature.


  • Easy and thorough cleaning
  • Prevents product sedimentation
  • Maintains ideal storage temperature
  • Suitable for inerting with nitrogen
  • High reliability with pressure-tested interspaces



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