Tamper-evident sleeve applicator for caps

Reliability, continuity and changeover time are key success factors for tamper-evident sleeve applicators for caps.

Continuously and accurately apply tamper-evident sleeves for cap sealing

For over 30 years, the Karlville Tampertec product line (300 and 600 bpm) has provided dedicated technology for tamper-evident sleeve applications.
Based on a positive & exclusive pick and place transfer system, or direct shooting thanks to the cutting head inclination, the sleeve application is smooth, positively progressive and accurate. The key is in the Scheidegger Technology continuous motion process of film feeding, folding, and cutting.
Up to 1 000 bpm can be achieved, with one single head, and with only 5/10,000 un-sleeved units this means 99.5% efficiency. Customisable to client applications, the Tampertec can apply sleeves on 8mm to 85mm product diameters.


  • Reduced incidence of rejects
  • Less than 5 minutes for changeover
  • Avoid material start / stop process
  • Eliminate film tension issues
  • Maintain from a remote location

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