Laboratory size auto-steam shrink system

When managing sleeving projects, fast prototyping and testing can gain massive competitive advantage.

Simulate shrink tunnel heating with portable demonstration unit

The Karlville Steambox Lab has been designed to reproduce the shrink sleeving process using powerful progressive steam pulverization along the container height.
Integrated inside a suitcase, it is the first portable shrink chamber that enables live testing for presentations, development and training purposes. The electrically powered stainless steel cabinet features its own inbuilt control and management system that monitors pressures, temperatures and water levels throughout the operation.
For PVC, PET, PETG, OPS and PLA, the Steambox Lab functions in the range 80º to 95º C to fit containers up to 330 mm.


  • Ideal for live demonstrations and training
  • No additional equipment required
  • Easy to transport and set up
  • Instant simulation of exact process
  • Handles large bottles, multipacks, containers and narrow neck bottles

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