Diatomaceous earth pressure filter for fruit juices and soft drinks

In the beverage industry, achieving high-quality filtration is critical to maintaining the purity, clarity, and taste of products such as fruit juices, soft drinks, syrups, and infusions. Conventional filtration methods may have limitations in handling CO2 and other compressed gases during production phases.

Filters beverages efficiently and cleans thoroughly

The D.E. pressure PED tested filter from BLENDTECH is a specialized filtration solution designed in compliance with the European Directive PED. It is tailored for filtration of fruit juices, nectars, soft drinks, syrups, and infusions. Featuring flat, crushproof filtering discs from the original Padovan design, it ensures high drainage flow and thorough cleaning, even beneath the filtration cloth. The filtering elements are constructed from AISI 304 stainless steel with projections to support AISI 316L filtration cloth with 65-micron meshes, eliminating the need for drainage grids that can contaminate the product. Available in models ranging from 5 to 80 square meters of filtration surface, this filter effectively manages the presence of CO2 and allows the injection of compressed gases during filtration processes, enhancing efficiency and cleanliness.


  • Ensures high drainage flow during filtration
  • Supports CO2 and compressed gas injection
  • Flat, crushproof filtering discs for continuous operation
  • Constructed with stainless steel for durability
  • Models available with filtration surfaces from 5 to 80 square meters

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