Industrial ovens

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Sponge cake production line

Sponge cake production line

To produce multiple sponge cake varieties and keep up with the changing industry trends, a produc…

High capacity spiral proofer for pastry

High capacity spiral proofer for pastry

Proofing is a phase in the baking production line that can’t be rushed. It’s an es…

Breaker for baked granola sheets

Breaker for baked granola sheets

Once baked in large sheets, granola needs to be processed into a final product. For premium …

Convection oven for granola

Convection oven for granola

For high-quality granola products, a perfect bake is required for optimum color, taste, and mouth…

Laboratory-scale vacuum tray drying oven

Laboratory-scale vacuum tray drying oven

Vacuum drying is used to remove moisture from sensitive materials. Drying small bat…

Dry heat depyrogenation oven

Dry heat depyrogenation oven

Specially designed for the drying and sterilization of glass containers, vials or ampoules, and …

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