Multi-purpose oven for prepared foods
When producing a variety of prepared foods, maintaining consistent quality while reducing moisture loss can be challenging. Industrial applications often require precise control over cooking temperature and moisture to ensure optimal results without sacrificing flavor or texture.
Control temperature and moisture for diverse cooking
The MPO Cooking System by Heat and Control is a versatile multi-purpose oven designed to address the challenges of cooking various prepared foods efficiently. This system preserves the food’s original moisture and flavor by precisely controlling the interaction between cooking temperature and moisture. It achieves rapid heat transfer without dehydration, resulting in the ideal surface texture and maintaining valuable yield. The oven features an optional menu-driven PLC control system that allows operators to recall and switch between different product parameters quickly, facilitating efficient changeover between various foods. The water-cooled pan and continuously cleaned conveyor belt minimize sticking or burning, simplifying the cleaning process. Ideal applications include meat, poultry, seafood, vegetables, baked foods, and wide-ranging prepared foods, including alternative meat products.
- Consistent product quality with saved cooking parameters
- Easy and quick cleaning process
- Efficient changeovers for versatile product cooking
- Preserves food moisture and flavor
- Suitable for various food types and alternatives