Breaker for baked granola sheets

Once baked in large sheets, granola needs to be processed into a final product. For premium breakfast cereals or high quality fruit granola snacks, the baked granola sheet needs to be broken and kibbled to the required size for the end-product. A breaker/kibbler unit designed specifically for granola gives excellent uniformity and consistency, minimising wastage and providing the premium finish required.

Purpose-designed breaker and kibbler for high quality granola product

The Baker Perkins Granola Breaker & Kibbler has been specifically designed for the production of high quality and premium granola cereal and snack products. Available as a standalone system or as part of a fully integrated Baker Perkins granola production line, the unit produces perfectly kibbled granola to your exact specification.

Baker Perkins Granola Breaker and Kibbler is made of three units. The first is the pre-breaker. This receives the baked sheet from the oven cooler section and performs an initial gentle breakup of the continuous sheet. Carefully designed rotating breaker blades convert the sheet into oversize chunks ready for the next stage.

The chunks move on to a variable speed vibratory conveyor that moves them gently to the integrated kibbling unit. The conveyor is available in a range of widths to suit your chosen kibbling unit and is of stainless steel construction and open framing for ease of cleaning and maintenance.

Chunks of granola then move into the kibbler. The Baker Perkins kibbling unit utilises contra-rotating stainless steel blades to accurately break the oversize chunks into perfectly sized kibbles. These are then delivered onto your transport system for the next stage in production.


  • Stainless steel and open frame construction for ease of cleaning and maintenance
  • High accuracy breaking and kibbling for uniform, high-quality results
  • Variable speed control for perfect results with all granola recipes
  • High capacity standalone unit, works with ovens up to 1600mm width
  • Seamless integration with other Baker Perkins Granola line components

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