Containment technology for making API Equipment
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Which containment technology for making api technology do you need?
Restricted-access barrier systems
Create a physical barrier between the operator and the product. More flexible than an isol…
Aseptic barrier systems
Designed for sterile product and Potent API’s either with low or high OEL requirements.
Transfer system for high-containment environments
A high-performance transfer port system that combines ultimate safety, s…
Glove tester
Testing device of the containment capability of gloves, which is as important as the other parts of the integrated…
Half-suit tester
Designed to allow operators to perform sterility testing in an aseptic environment providing assurance of mate…
Downflow booth
Provides the highest levels of operator protection from potentially harmful airborne contaminants generated duri…
Vertical laminar flow cabinet
HEPA filtered vertical laminar airflow (down flow) creates an ISO 14644-1 (Class 5) work area a…
Horizontal laminar flow benches
HEPA filtered horizontal laminar airflow (crossflow) creates an ISO 14644-1 (Class 5) work ar…