Condensation Technologies

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Condensation and separation unit for solvent handling

Condensation and separation unit for solvent handling

In chemical and pharmaceutical industries, the need for efficient se…

Industrial fume scrubber for safety compliance

Industrial fume scrubber for safety compliance

In settings where chemical reactions emit hazardous fumes, there's a critica…

Propylene and nitrogen recovery system for industrial applications

Propylene and nitrogen recovery system for industrial applications

In many industrial processes, valuable gases like pro…

Monomer recovery unit

Monomer recovery unit

In industrial polymer production, the recovery of valuable monomers from process streams is critical to …

Hydrocarbon recovery unit for chemical plants

Hydrocarbon recovery unit for chemical plants

Recovering valuable hydrocarbons from process streams is essential for chemic…

Decarboxylation package for botanical extraction

Decarboxylation package for botanical extraction

In botanical extraction processes, precise control over temperature and va…

Dual-jacketed reactor for botanical extraction winterization

Dual-jacketed reactor for botanical extraction winterization

Botanical extraction processes require effective winterizati…

Industrial recirculating chiller for laboratory applications

Industrial recirculating chiller for laboratory applications

In laboratory settings where precise temperature control is …

Cold trap for laboratory applications

Cold trap for laboratory applications

In laboratory settings, effectively trapping and condensing vapors can be critical, es…

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