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Let's make probiotics

Find innovative production technology for making probiotics and connect directly with world-leading specialists.

The billions of microbes living in our gut have a significant impact on gastrointestinal health, mood, and behavior. Every individual develops their microbiome community. Probiotic processing technology makes sure that harmful bacteria never outnumber good citizens.

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Enrich the LAB cultivation medium with magnesium and manganese

Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are used in many food products, but this strain requires a complex nutrient environment to develop.

Add manganese sulfate or magnesium sulfate to your cultivation medium to boost the metabolic activity of LAB. The minerals also act against external oxygen radicals and provide anaerobic growth for the bacteria.

Preserve cell viability with cryoprotectants when using probiotics processing technology

Freeze-drying your bacteria converts the probiotics into dried powder. However, freezing at very low temperatures and dehydration under vacuum stress the cells.

A cryoprotectant increases the viability of the cells, but different materials achieve different levels of protection. An emerging technique combines trehalose, sodium ascorbate, and skim milk to register a cell survival rate of around 75%.

Higher pH stability makes Bifidobacterium more resistant to post-acidification

Probiotic strains may produce acidity, affecting the stability of the product. Probiotics processing technology such as refrigerators reduce the pH value of bacterial cells in a phenomenon known as post-acidification.

The Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. Bulgaricus (STLB) species demonstrates a high relative drop in pH levels. On the other hand, Bifidobacterium has a lower capacity for developing acids, making strains like the Bifidobacterium lactis more resistant to post-acidification.

Ensure probiotic concentrations in end products meet claim requirements

Different regions around the world have separate regulatory labeling requirements for probiotic products. Proprietary blends are permitted, but individual dietary ingredients within a proprietary blend should be listed in descending order by their Colony Forming Units (CFU).

Any benefits declared about the strains should be backed up by scientific evidence that the amounts provided in the product are consistent with the information supporting the claim.

Processing steps involved in probiotics making

Which probiotics technology do you need?

Benchtop weight sorter for tablets & capsules

Benchtop weight sorter for tablets & capsules

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Controlled rate freezer for biological and medical research

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Semi-continuous freeze dryer with easy-loading

Semi-continuous freeze dryer with easy-loading

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Vision inspection system for tablets and capsules

Vision inspection system for tablets and capsules

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Inspection machine for bottle caps

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Pharmaceutical formulation and mixing tanks

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Retort Pouch Packaging Machine

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Tumbler sieve for classifying and dedusting granular materials

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Scale up capsule filler

Scale up capsule filler

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Automatic capsule filler for liquid solutions

Automatic capsule filler for liquid solutions

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Automatic laboratory capsule filler

Automatic laboratory capsule filler

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Flexible contained powder discharge into drums

Flexible contained powder discharge into drums

Powdered products are handled every day in the pharmaceutical and bioprocess…

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