Industrial Dehumidification Equipment

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Industrial dehumidification involves the process of removing moisture as well as controlling humidity. For example, warehouses that store grains need a controlled climate to avoid mildew and other moisture-related issues that can ruin or spoil the product. Refrigerant and desiccant dehumidifiers are used to reduce or maintain the level of humidity. Refrigerant dehumidifiers pass the air over a cold coil, cooling the air to the point where its water vapor begins to condense. Instead, desiccant dehumidifiers pass the air through a rotor containing a moisture-absorbing material. Commercial dehumidifiers are somewhat similar to their industrial counterpart in terms of function. The only big difference is the scale at which the equipment is being used.

Which dehumidifying equipment technology do you need?

Customizable dehumidifier

Customizable dehumidifier

Dehumidification needs can vary significantly from one project to another. Dehumidifiers with a fix…

Sorption dehumidifier for deep drying

Sorption dehumidifier for deep drying

Humid ambient conditions such as those in tropical climates make dehumidification more…

Sorption dehumidifier for large temperature differences

Sorption dehumidifier for large temperature differences

Small, humid areas can be difficult to dehumidify in humid ambient…

Small portable dehumidifier

Small portable dehumidifier

Water damaged areas require dehumidification to limit the damage and prepare the area for restora…

Conditioned Box Dryer

Conditioned Box Dryer

Seeds that are harvested are dried as part of their initial process of cleaning. Having huge quantities …

Large scale desiccant dehumidifier

Large scale desiccant dehumidifier

Moisture sensitive processing and storage facilities need low humidity environments to sa…

Industrial desiccant dehumidifier

Industrial desiccant dehumidifier

Dehumidification of medium sized manufacturing and processing facilities can be a daunting…

Heat recycling sorption dehumidifier

Heat recycling sorption dehumidifier

Facilities that handle large amounts of water can become very humid. High humidity may …

Sorption dehumidifier for overpressured rooms

Sorption dehumidifier for overpressured rooms

Small humid spaces, used for processing or storage, often need a simple dehum…

Dehumidifier for difficult wet airflows

Dehumidifier for difficult wet airflows

Sealed rooms can be challenging to dehumidify with ordinary dehumidifiers. The wet a…

Sorption dehumidifier with air-chilled condenser

Sorption dehumidifier with air-chilled condenser

It is not always possible to duct out the wet air from a dehumidifier serv…

Air dehumidifier for bulk products

Air dehumidifier for bulk products

When your product or process is sensitive to humidity, using an air dehumidifier may resu…

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