Strand forming machine for 2 masses

Form two-ingredient mixes into the shapes and layer combinations required for your final product. This is a universal roller press for two soft to solid substrates, including those with added components such as nuts or dried fruits. Form filled, hollow, or multi-layered slabs and strands of any shape and any volume ratio.

Consistent, high-quality shape extrusion of two substrates from a universal rotary bar press

The DDP series of twin rotary bar press rollers from Buhler is a line of configurable confectionery rollers designed to produce highly consistent and tightly toleranced slabs, strands, and shaped bars of two confectionery substrates. Soft to solid confectionery substrates, including those with added different texture components, are readily processed. The equipment can create layered and filled products in any volume ratio and any shape thanks to independently variable roller speeds and customizable nozzle geometry. Process control of temperature, pressure, and speed assures a consistent high-quality layered of filled product.



  • Height and forming speed are infinitely adjustable for easy integration with existing equipment
  • Can have the same features as DP series single bar rollers when used with a single substrate
  • Working widths from 100mm to 1300mm available
  • Digital RPM readout for each roller and substrate volume ratio
  • Adaptable to your recipe, your additives, and your shape

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