High-performance checkweigher for pharmaceutical tablet cartons

In industries like pharmaceuticals, precise and efficient weight verification of products such as tablet cartons is crucial. Ensuring accurate product weight while maintaining high-speed production lines without interruptions can be challenging.

Accurate weight verification up to 300 grams

The TC 8410 is a high-performance checkweigher from Collischan, tailored for environments demanding precision in weight checks, such as the pharmaceutical industry. Capable of conducting up to 500 weighings per minute, it ensures tablet cartons and similar products meet specific weight requirements. The versatile operation terminal can be customized to monitor critical data continually, and its remote function allows control and monitoring from an external PC through Ethernet or RS232 interfaces. The system saves all data automatically in a logbook, enabling traceable interference logs and comprehensive statistical insights presented as line charts or histograms. Additional features include multitrack applications and customizable conveyor lengths to optimize weighing for different package dimensions. This solution is ideal for environments requiring meticulous weight accuracy and extensive data monitoring.


  • High-speed weighing up to 500 weighings per minute
  • Customizable software for specific monitoring needs
  • Remote control and monitoring via Ethernet or RS232
  • Automatic data logging and statistical analysis
  • Customizable conveyor lengths for optimized weighing

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