Ultra-fine powder flash drying system

Industrial processes often involve drying bulk solids with high moisture content, from slurries and pastes to wet powders. Traditional drying methods can be inefficient and time-consuming, especially when dealing with temperature-sensitive materials that require precise handling.

Evaporates large volumes with minimal space

The DMR Flash Mill Dryer by Hosokawa Micron offers an advanced solution for drying bulk solids with varying moisture content. This patented system combines drying, de-agglomeration, and classifying in a single unit, making it highly space-efficient. The DMR ensures precise drying of temperature-sensitive products, achieving rapid drying in just seconds. The drying process involves dispersing wet material into fine particles using a high-speed milling rotor. These particles are fluidized by temperature-controlled hot gas, which can be heated up to 650°C. The system uses 30-40% less energy per kilogram of evaporated water compared to other direct drying technologies and requires up to 50% less space. It can handle materials such as suspensions, slurries, pastes, filter cakes, and wet powders, making it suitable for a wide range of industries including chemicals, food, and pharmaceuticals. The DMR’s adaptable parameters, such as classifier speed and outlet temperature, allow precise control over the moisture content and particle size of the end product.


  • Reduces energy usage by 30-40%
  • Compact design requires up to 50% less space
  • Suitable for temperature-sensitive products
  • Handles a wide range of materials
  • Precise control over moisture content and particle size



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