High-shear impact mixer

When you need to mix cohesive powders with liquids or melt binders and require a homogenous end-product, a high-shear mixer can be used.

High-speed, intensive paddle mixer and agglomerator

The Cyclomix® from Hosokawa Micron is a multi-purpose high-shear impact mixer. It combines different processes in one single machine and is the ideal choice for intensive thermal processing of high energy input; high degree of dispersion and homogeneity and ultra-short cycle times.
The mixing vessel is conical shaped and has a central rotor that rotates at a speed up to 30 m/s. The speed of the rotor creates centrifugal forces that push the product to the vessel wall where the shape of the vessel causes an upward movement.



  • Effective heat transfer between the heat-controlled jacketed wall and the product
  • Produces granulates from 100 µm up to 2 mm with medium to high density
  • Excellent temperature control
  • High-intensity mixing and agglomeration of cohesive powders
  • High degree of dispersion and homogeneity

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