High Output Industrial Production Line for Gummies and Jellies

Mainstream technology for the preparation of gummies and jellies relies on a coating of starch on mold trays to avoid the stickiness of the sugary mix. But starch creates risks of microbial contamination. In addition, the entire operation of layering and removing starch from depositing stations slows down the gummy manufacturing process. The use of starch presents many hygiene and cross-contamination risks, as well as efficiency, quality and financial compromises.

Remove starch from the depositing stage to make higher quality confectionery

The ServoForm system for gummies and jellies from Baker Perkins is designed for high output starch-free production. The depositor technology produces high quality, high-definition gummies and jellies and eliminates the formation of crusts typically caused by starch.

Instead of traditional starch trays, cooked syrups and fruit pastes are deposited into solid molds made from metal, polymer, or rubber for maximum hygiene. These molds, combined with continuous, accurate depositing at final moisture, create high quality confectionery pieces that are perfectly shaped, with a beautifully smooth surface finish.

Devised for rapid production and quick product changeovers, the depositor technology can produce an almost unlimited variety of solid, striped and layered confectionery with multiple flavours and components. Fillings and inclusions can be incorporated easily.

Consistent product size, shape and weight contribute to improved wrapping efficiency, and enhanced hygiene features reduce cleaning and maintenance costs throughout the line.


  • Hygienic starch-free manufacturing
  • Minimal scrap rates
  • Low labor requirements
  • Up to 1,000 kg/hour output

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