Cooking extruders for low shear confectionery production

In the confectionery industry, producing delicacies like licorice, fruit gums, and caramels requires specialized equipment to handle low shear recipes effectively. Challenges often include maintaining uniform heat distribution and efficient energy usage while ensuring the end product’s quality and consistency.

Produce low shear confectionery efficiently

The Extrufood cooking extruder is tailored for the production of low shear confectionery items such as licorice, fruit gums, fruit snacks, caramels, and hard candies. This twin-screw, counter-rotating extruder features a stainless steel base frame that supports various components, including the gearbox, electrical drive, extruder, de-areation, tempering, color and flavor dosing, and screen changer. The cylinder is divided into a cooking zone and vacuum/cooling zone, both tempered by water. It starts up with electrical heating and subsequently reduces energy consumption by utilizing internal friction generated by the extruder screws. This setup ensures an efficient cooking process, reducing the dependency on external electrical energy by 30-40%. Easy maintenance is facilitated by a dismountable barrel and screws, preventing the need to move the entire extruder out of the production line. Equipped with Siemens or Allan Bradley control systems, and completely wired to a single connection point, the extruder guarantees straightforward and swift installation. Extrufood has successfully supplied over 50 such extruders to leading confectionery manufacturers, consistently delivering superior results.


  • Efficient energy usage by leveraging internal friction
  • Easy maintenance with dismountable barrel and screws
  • Rapid installation with single connection point wiring
  • Consistent product quality and efficient cooking process
  • Reliable control systems from Siemens or Allan Bradley



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