Laboratory liquid viewer for colored glass bottles

In the pharmaceutical industry, an inspection to detect any particulate contamination in solutions contained in colored glass bottles is not so easy to perform without special lighting. To improve impurity detection rates in such products, the European Pharmacopoeia Commission recommends measures like extended inspection times and the use of higher light intensities for testing. Your research laboratory will benefit from an effective non-destructive testing method implementing these techniques.

Detect particulates in opalescent solutions using a unit with light intensities higher than 3750 Lux

Apollo II High-Intensity Liquid Inspection Unit from Adelphi is an easy-to-use system designed to effectively detect particles in colored glass bottles, vials, and ampoules. It is fully compliant with the European Pharmacopoeia Specification 2.9.20 & US Pharmacopoeia USP chapter 41 (1790), section 6.1. It has an updated lamp unit with three LED bulbs having a light level of 8,000 to 10,000 Lux, and light intensities higher than 3750 Lux. The inspection time of more than 5 seconds in front of both panels gives optimum visual detection rates. Light-colored particulates will be visible in front of the black panel, while dark-colored particulates will be visible in front of the white panel. The optimal system design provides for height and angle adjustment to allow for greater operator comfort. Bulbs have a high service life of 50,000 hours, which would be more than 17 years when used in an 8-hour shift.


  • Intuitive assembly and disassembly require no technical expertise
  • Small footprint, easy to store
  • Easily foldable frame saves space and inspection surfaces fold together to prevent damage
  • Ergonomic design with height and angle adjustment for greater operator comfort
  • Compliant with European Pharmacopoeia Specification 2.9.20 and US Pharmacopoeia USP chapter 41 (1790), section 6.1

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