Micro powder dosing system

Micro dosing of powders and small components can be a major obstruction in the production process as they can be cohesive. To avoid this, a high level of speed and accuracy is required during the dosing process. If you need to dose seeds, minerals, washing powder etc, you need a convenient means for measuring and dispensing dry product which eliminates any chances of errors.

Fast and accurate micro dosing for powders

KSE’s ALFRA FCD provides high rate of production for small components like powders, granulates and pellets. It combines ingredients from up to 40 silos automatically and is extremely accurate. It is designed with a unique dosing slide that makes sure that weighing and dosing is not a hurdle in the production process by having a dynamic flow range of 1:1000. This is far higher compared to the traditional screw dosing systems with a 1:20 flow range. It can handle a wide range of amounts, ranging from 20 grams right up to 100 kg in a single machine.

The micro powder dosing system has a unique configuration making full use of a large slide range. It has two weighing scales on one holder. Larger quantities are dosed directly into the large weigher whereas smaller quantities first go into the small weigher. This ensures that it delivers products with greater speed and accuracy (down to a few grams/second) and has an enormous dynamic flow range. The flow of the product can be cut off to ensure only a predetermined amount of the product is delivered.

It also features an inbuilt dust extractor ensures that the machine is always clean and no cross contamination occurs throughout the dosing process. The slide has few moving parts making it easy to maintain and giving it long operational life compared to traditional dosers. It allows a single electric motor and hydraulic system to power multiple slides, which in turn saves annual power consumption costs.


  • Virtually eliminates cross contamination and residues
  • Doses any quantity from 20 grams to 100 kg
  • Low maintenance and running costs
  • Over 20 years of operational life
  • Saves on expensive building space

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