In-line colour or flavour addition for confectionery
The addition of colourings and flavourings increases value and quality for confectionery products, but traditional additive methods can be wasteful and inconsistent. The latest generation of fully integrated additive systems ensure consistency and high quality while reducing costs by using highly accurate dosing methods.
Modular systems for highly accurate addition of flavours and colours
The Baker Perkins Colour/Flavour Addition (CFA) System offers a complete range of modular units designed specifically for consistency and accuracy. CFA modules can be automated to various degrees, from completely manual through to total automation, matching your requirements exactly.
The CFA system consists of a number of optional components, including dynamic mixers, in-line mixers, mixing cones, and feed systems for smaller additions and powders. These can be configured and combined for the exact number of flavours and colours you require, lowering your installation costs compared to non-modular alternatives.
CFA Mixing Cones offer simple manual operation with minimal shear, and can be fitted with single, two and three way gravity split feed systems for one, two or three colour candies.
CFA Dynamic Mixer gives high efficiency mixing in an enclosed cylinder, including volatiles, minimising costly losses due to flash-off and evaporation. CFA Dynamic Mixer allows up to 18% less flavour to be required compared to conventional systems.
CFA Small Additions Feed System allows highly controlled, accurately metered additional, including colours, flavourings and acids into mixing system. Able to be used with automatic and manual mixers, peristaltic pumps provide precise delivery control.
All CFA modules are available with a range of options to hold ingredients in optimum conditions, including heating, recirculation and mixing facilities. CFA systems can be fully integrated with existing line control systems allowing seamless interfacing with Baker Perkins cooking and depositing systems.
- Completely modular system enable a fully tailored additions solution for colours and flavours
- Wide range of options for optimum ingredients quality and condition
- Fully hygienic design for rapid cleaning and quick changeovers, reducing downtime
- Seamless integration with existing Baker Perkins confectionery cooking and depositing units