Hygienic floor scale with lifting device

The food and pharmaceutical industries require maintaining high levels of sanitation as well as logistical quality. This entails frequent cleaning of weighing equipment to meet the required standards. You thus need a scale that is reliable, not too bulky while being easy to clean and maintain.

Simple and effortless cleaning of scale platform

Alba’s floor scale with lifting mechanism is configured for industries with high sanitary requirements. It is a simple, reliable calibration and extremely user-friendly weighing solution. It is equipped with a ramp which makes loading and unloading of the products very easy. It has a wide loading capacity ranging from 300-1500kg. Its readability is 50g, 100g, 200g and 500g. It can weigh products with 1000 x 1250 mm dimensions but is also customisable according to your needs.

The hygienic floor scale with lifting device makes cleaning of the scale extremely simple. Its lifting mechanism enables a quick and safe elevation of the weighing platform to enable cleaning below it. It can be used at any point in the production process of food and pharmaceuticals where reliable measurement accuracy and hygiene is required.


  • Made of stainless steel
  • Available with ATEX approval
  • Compatible with automation networks

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