Vertical peeler centrifuge for pharmaceutical industry
Maintaining stringent cleanliness and precision is critical in pharmaceutical manufacturing workflows. Ensuring robust separation processes, along with efficient cleaning mechanisms, addresses these operational challenges effectively.
Ensure precise separation and automated cleaning
The Vertical Peeler Centrifuge Pharma, by Heinkel, is a specialized centrifuge designed for the pharmaceutical industry, compliant with cGMP standards. This centrifuge features an automatic process housing that opens and closes for complete inspection of process area components. The cleaning is efficiently managed by a fully automated CIP system, and if necessary, the process enclosure can be completely flooded. The centrifuge’s small footprint optimizes space utilization, while the optimized product discharge system enhances processing efficiency. The ease of accessibility to all parts that come into contact with the product ensures thorough maintenance. Heinkel offers two models: V 1000 BP and V 1250 BP, with basket diameters of 1,000 mm and 1,250 mm, respectively, and several other specifications to meet varying production needs.
- Minimized facility space requirement with small footprint
- Automated and thorough cleaning with CIP system
- Enhanced inspection and maintenance accessibility
- Optimized product discharge for efficient processing
- cGMP compliant design ensuring high-quality standards