Automatic rework system for biscuit and bread scrap

Scraps are an inevitable byproduct of biscuit and bread production. While these can be sold on as scraps to recoup some of the loss, this involves collection and storage and additional handling. By integrating a rework system into your biscuit or bread production line you can turn scraps into powder ingredients that can be fed straight back into the line, increasing efficiency and reducing costs.

Low-cost reworking solution for biscuit and bread production lines

The Biscuit Re-Work system from Cepi is an automatic biscuit scrap processing, storage and pneumatic delivery system designed specifically for the bakery industry.

Offering excellent returns on a moderate investment, the Biscuit Re-Work system operates via manual loading into a high-efficiency cutting mill.  Pneumatic conveying takes the milled powder to a self-contained holding vessel where it can then be sent for packing or returned to your biscuit line.

Features include a built-in magnet to remove metallic contaminants, dust filtration for the storage tank, and all-stainless steel construction for durability and easy clean down.


  • Short payback time for a moderate investment
  • Integrates with existing biscuit line, feeding directly onto conveyors if required
  • Built-in magnet and dust filtering means reworked scraps are immediately ready for use
  • Storage tank for complete flexibility of how processed scraps are used

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