Vial sterilization tunnel

Sterilization of vials, ampoules and syringes before filling is a vital step in the production of regulated pharmaceuticals. Traditional sterilization units offer throughput levels that are below those demanded by modern production facilities. A dedicated, modern depyrogenation solution offers faultless sterilisation combined with enhanced throughput to meet efficiency demands.

High throughput depyrogenation Tunnel with cooling chamber

ST tunnels from Steriline have been designed to sterilize and to depyrogenate glass containers using a continuous process. Their careful design ensures that they maintain an ISO5 environment throughout all parts of the machine, including cooling chamber.

The Steriline ST series of sterilisation tunnels covers the entire range of needs, from very compact tunnels to the largest options for very high speed production, with throughputs up to 37,000 pcs/h. All ST tunnels feature thermal cycles that ensure pyrogens are reduced by a minimum of 3 or 6 log.

The ST tunnels have been designed to operate as efficiently as possible while maintaining a compact form factor, allowing them to be used in almost any facility, including upgrading existing lines.


  • Wide variety of tunnels to suit every requirement
  • Highly efficient compact design reduces operating costs
  • Up to 38,000 pcs/h for the most demanding of production lines
  • Fully compliant with cGMP, GAMP and 21CFR Part11

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