Spring roll production line

Managing a large-scale spring roll production line requires precise control over ingredient handling, consistency, and production speed. An efficient system is crucial for achieving high output without compromising on quality or requiring excessive manual labor.

Produce up to 2,700 spring rolls per hour

The ANKO SR-27 spring roll production line is designed with proprietary mechanisms to ensure high productivity and stability. It takes just 1.4 seconds to produce each spring roll, substantially reducing the need for manual intervention. This system can handle a wide variety of filling ingredients, including vegetarian options, cooked meats, and potato-based fillings with different textures. The machine allows for customizable wrapper lengths and textures, ensuring the proper amount of filling for each spring roll. Able to produce spring rolls as small as 7 cm in length, the SR-27 is suitable for food factories, central kitchens, and high-volume producers. Its components in contact with food are water resistant and can be swiftly cleaned, maintaining high hygiene standards. The filling hopper has a capacity of 50 liters, minimizing the need for frequent refills. The line’s automated rolling mechanism and precise water application device ensure each spring roll is perfectly sealed and retains a handmade appearance. With a production capacity of up to 2,700 pieces per hour, the SR-27 enhances efficiency and consistency in high-scale operations.


  • Customizable spring roll sizes and textures
  • High production capacity of up to 2,700 pieces per hour
  • Reduces manual labor and increases efficiency
  • Easy to clean water-resistant components
  • Handles a wide variety of filling ingredients

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