Multifunctional washer for fruits and vegetables

In the fresh produce industry, removing soil and debris from the surface of fruits and vegetables is crucial for maintaining hygiene and quality. Without proper washing, contaminants can compromise the safety and shelf life of the products, leading to potential losses and health issues.

Efficiently washes and maintains produce quality

The FTNON Multifunctional Washer by JBT is a robust washing solution designed to remove soil particles and debris from fruits and vegetables efficiently. The washer includes a wash tank, transport conveyor with flights, overhead spray nozzles, pump tank with filter, and control panel. It features air injection to create turbulence in the water, ensuring thorough cleaning. The pneumatic conveyor lift system enhances ease of operation, while the rotating filter improves water utilization. Additionally, a cooling coil helps maintain a constant water temperature of ±4° C (38° F). An automatic electric valve stops water flow when the pump stops, saving water. Ideal for diverse applications, including fresh cut produce, baby food, and ready meals, this washer ensures high hygiene standards and operational efficiency.


  • Thorough cleaning with air injection
  • Efficient water utilization with rotating filter
  • Consistent water temperature control
  • Automatic water flow control to save water
  • Flexible applications in various food processing industries

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