Industrial ring dryers for high-capacity drying applications

In industries such as food processing, chemical manufacturing, and biofuels, drying large volumes of materials efficiently while maintaining high product quality is a significant challenge. Traditional drying methods often fall short in catering to varying moisture content and ensuring consistent drying results.

Dry large volumes efficiently with circulating air system

The Dedert Ring Dryer is an advanced drying solution designed to handle large volumes with a capacity of 179,000 ACFM, capable of evaporating 34 tons of water per hour. This dryer stands out for its manifold classifier, which allows semi-dry solids to circulate internally until fully dry, making the system more energy-efficient. The short residence time helps in maintaining high product quality, exposing materials to high heat for only a few seconds. The Ring Dryer accommodates variations in product moisture content and composition, offering customized configurations like Feed-Type, P-Type, and Full-Ring setups to cater to different resilience levels and drying requirements. The dryer can operate in either Open-Circuit (OC) or Partial Gas Recycle (PGR) configurations for added energy efficiency. Suitable applications include drying orange peel, citrus fiber, calcium carbonate, and high-protein DDG among others.


  • High capacity: 34 tons of water evaporation per hour
  • Energy-efficient drying with internal circulation
  • Customizable configurations for diverse products
  • Maintains high product quality with short residence time
  • Versatile for a range of industries and materials

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