Horizontal ball mill for chocolate refining

Powders of extremely high fineness can be produced with ball mills and agitated media mills. Both vertical and horizontal ball mills can be used for the refining of chocolate and other cocoa products. A horizontal ball mill with a high flow rate design can achieve ultra-fine refining below 20 microns (D90).

Ultimate fine chocolate refining

The FM-150 Ball mill system from Royal Duyvis Wiener is a high performance horizontal conical agitator ball mill for the refining of compound, coatings, creams and bread spreads in small batches is suitable for both crystal and powdered sugar based recipes.

The horizontal and conical grinding unit has a high flow rate design which allows an ultra-fine refining below 20 microns (D90). The highly wear-resistant materials guarantee the maximum life span of the grinding tools, less wear and the lowest iron intake for the product.

The main feature of the Horizontal ball mill for chocolate refining, is the equal distribution of the grinding balls inside the grinding unit for maximum efficiency and there is no clogging effect.


  • Excellent product fineness and homogeneity
  • Extremely low energy consumption
  • Consistent product quality
  • Extremely low wear and virtually no maintenance costs
  • Simple, fully automated, no production expertise required

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