High capacity grading sieve

An industrial vibratory separator machine is multi-purpose, able to carry out a variety of different tasks, like dewatering, recovery, grading, or separation. It can separate unwanted materials within plastic, further grading it to leave a pure fraction for reuse, and as a result it is mostly used for grading materials like plastic pellets e.g., masterbatch.

Vibrating separator for grading dry or wet materials

There is a wide variety of separators in the market and picking one can be a tedious task. Making sure to test the product before buying it and checking if it fits your usage area is also one of the key components in the selection of a separator.

The Rusell Finex Separator™ is made with a safety screener that is set to ensure product quality. It removes oversized impurities and leaves clean powder or liquid behind. Depending on the needs of the customer, this product is also highly customizable in terms of its appearance (i.e. if stainless steel is needed for the pharmaceutical industry).

The simple design makes the cleaning process very simple. During the sieving process, there is a thorough check for dust contamination, allowing for greater sieving accuracy and can ensure repeatable and scalable particle size distribution.


  • Easy to clean and control
  • Customizable solutions
  • Contains dust and hazardous material
  • Superior quality design
  • Certified and documented

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