Empty bottle inspection machine

It seems logical to implement a quality inspection of bottles and spot any imperfections or contaminants before the filling process starts. Such an inspection machine will prevent unnecessary waste of the content of the bottle and avoid jams in the production line, this saves both time and money.

Accurate and complete inspection system for containers before filling

IV1000 is an inspection system designed by FTsystem to ensure a good quality of empty containers using artificial vision technology. The artificial vision provides a high-level quality control thanks to industrial cameras that, with the help of direct analysis, gather information about bottle defects. IV1000 is able to detect bottle shape, glass defects, damaged containers, scratches and bubbles (neck and thread inspection), holes, deformation and presence of foreign bodies, washing liquids, or dirt. Multiple cameras are located throughout the system (from the inlet to the outlet) to inspect every part of the bottle (neck, thread, and bottom). For a fully and meticulous inspection, the machine is provided with motorized belts that rotate every bottle 90 degrees to check bottle sidewalls. The production speed of IV1000 is up to 60,000 bottles per hour.


  • Full inspection thanks to rotating module
  • Lower chances of damage in filling and capping process steps
  • Inspection not affected by the colour of the container
  • Helps prevent delays in the production line

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