Continuous belt cooker for vegetables and fish

When processing large quantities of vegetables or fish, consistency in cooking and cooling is crucial to maintain product quality and maximize yield. Traditional batch processing can be inefficient and lead to uneven cooking, resulting in potential product waste and higher energy consumption.

Ensures consistent cooking and cooling

The Cabinplant Belt Cooker – SCWC is designed for continuous cooking and cooling, ideal for applications with vegetables, fish, and other products. Its integrated system with heat recovery reduces energy consumption by up to 40%. By using water or steam for cooking and various methods for cooling, the system provides gentle handling to avoid product damage, ensuring consistent quality. A pre-cooling zone with water atomization improves cooling efficiency and hygiene by preventing water recirculation. This system is engineered for low steam and water consumption, long-lasting operation, and minimal maintenance.


  • Reduction in energy consumption by up to 40%
  • Maximum product yield due to gentle handling
  • Hygienic design with efficient cooling
  • Minimal product damage during processing
  • Low maintenance and operational costs



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