Turbo extractor for puree and concentrate production

In large-scale puree and concentrate production, ensuring flexibility and efficiency is key. Situations often require adapting to various production lots with different ripening degrees. This calls for a solution that can easily adjust operational settings to maintain high-quality outputs.

Achieve flexibility and efficiency in extraction

The Boema PR410 (hot extraction) and PR411 (cold extraction) turbo extractors are designed to adapt to varied production needs. Each model features a patented cylindrical extraction chamber with an innovative rotor and a centralized system to adjust paddles. This allows for five different adjustments, providing the ability to quickly adapt to different products and varying ripeness. The ‘EASY OPEN’ basket system facilitates mechanical removal and filter replacement, significantly reducing maintenance costs and extending sieve life. All components have been refined and rigorously tested to minimize operating costs while ensuring maximum efficiency. The turbo extractors are particularly suitable for industries involved in puree and concentrate production.


  • Flexible adjustment to various production lots
  • Reduced maintenance costs with 'EASY OPEN' basket system
  • Extended sieve life and reduced need for replacement
  • Quick adaptation to different product ripening stages
  • Optimized for both hot and cold extraction processes



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