Jam pasteurizer with temperature control

Microorganisms and pathogenic forms in fresh fruit jams can shorten storage time. In small food industries like canteens and cooking centres that preserve jams or other food liquids which are stored in cans, lengthening the shelf life of these products is necessary.

Pasteurizing by immersing the product in heated water

Fixpan of Firex is an industrial pasteurizer for preserves that pasteurise products like sauces, jams, liquids and semi-liquids, but can also cook. The jars that are filled with the product are put in a basket, lowered down in the machine and immersed in water, where a needle probe detects the temperature at the core of the product, during the pasteurisation process. The process of pasteurisation involves heating the product for a set amount of time in order to kill the vegetive form of bacteria harmful to the product. Depending on the product, the pasteurisation time and the temperature is set accordingly. A forced circulation system of running water (that is optional) allows to keep the temperature homogeneous in all areas of the tank. It also comes with a valve, to discharge liquid or semi-liquid products, or to connect with automatic dosing systems.

There is an electric, gas and steam version of the pan. They all come in versions that hold 100, 150, 200, 300 or 500 litres. The electric pan has the heating controlled by the electronic board with automatic insertion of the minimum 2°C before the setpoint, and by the pressure switch. The electric one has armoured heating elements in “Incoloy 800” alloy, installed inside the cavity. The steam pan has feeding (from the user circuit) via a minimum/ maximum modulation valve, controlled by an electronic board.


  • Automatically checks and restores the water level inside the cavity
  • Allows user to select the quantity of litres of water to load, cold or hot, and then loads it automatically
  • Allows to set a time of programmed temperature maintenance starting when the set temperature is reached

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