Ibc blancher with forced steam for vegetables

For vegetable processing, achieving uniform blanching while minimizing water and steam consumption is crucial. Traditional blanchers often fall short in efficiency, leading to high energy use and less consistent results.

Reduce steam consumption with efficient pre-heating

The IBC Blancher with Forced Steam by Cabinplant is a state-of-the-art solution designed to provide efficient and uniform blanching for vegetables. It features an integrated cooling section with a counterflow cooling system to conserve water. This system pre-heats effectively, reducing steam consumption by 50-60% compared to conventional blanchers. The blancher allows you to control the product discharge temperature, typically around 12°C when using 1°C cooling water. This flexibility ensures optimal heating for various products, such as using forced steam for broccoli and water blanching for peas. The unit also includes features like a top-lift for easy maintenance and a CIP system for sanitation. This technology is suitable for high hygiene standards required for ready-to-eat products.


  • Reduces steam consumption by 50-60%
  • Ensures uniform blanching for high-quality results
  • Conserves water with counterflow cooling system
  • Allows precise control of discharge temperature
  • Easy access and maintenance with top-lift design

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