High-volume oilseed extraction system

For processing facilities dealing with large volumes of vegetable proteins, wood chips, and other well-draining materials, achieving efficient extraction while managing solvent use is critical. Inefficient extraction processes can lead to higher costs, increased energy use, and inconsistent product quality.

Optimize extraction using continuous-loop, shallow-bed system.

The Model III Extractor by Crown Iron Works is a continuous-loop, counter-current, shallow-bed extractor designed to handle high volumes of products like vegetable proteins, wood chips, and citrus fibers. This system uses a solvent to dissolve oils or other extracts from the prepared material. Its continuous-loop design promotes excellent solvent contact, percolation, and rapid drainage, enabling complete extraction from diverse materials. The unique shallow, wide, and long flake bed ensures efficient solvent use and reduced energy consumption. Additionally, the extractor boasts features like self-cleaning drainage screens and an improved underscreen wash to maintain operational efficiency. Ideal for both industrial and specialty applications, the Model III Extractor is suited for industries such as oilseed processing, biofuel production, and specialty chemicals.


  • Consistent product quality for slow draining materials
  • Reduced solvent usage lowers operational costs
  • Low solvent carryover reduces steam and hexane consumption
  • High operating capacity for large-scale production
  • Ease of operation and maintenance thanks to self-cleaning features

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