Conical gentle crusher

For the gentle crushing of soft to medium-hard substances. Widely used in food industries for size reduction, pulverization, deagglomeration or delumping before they become a finished product.

Gently crush soft to medium-hard substances

The Bexmill from Hosokawa Alpine is a Conical gentle crusher, used to crush soft to medium-hard substances.

The mill can be charged both continuously and discontinuously.

Due to its conical form, the Bexmill can be operated in contrast to the classic Flake Crusher at higher revolutions. Through these larger throughputs, a higher fineness can be achieved.

The product spectrum ranges from wet to dry feed material.

This Conical gentle crusher is often used in processes of homogenization of mixtures, after mixer agglomeration, the disintegration of agglomerates, after fluid beds and kilns, and in the finishing of granulates.



  • Wide spectrum of materials, from wet to dry feed
  • Gently crushing of soft to medium-hard substances
  • Through these larger throughputs, a higher fineness can be achieved
  • Can be charged both continuously and discontinuously

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