Commercial juice mixing station

Efficient preparation of consistent juice mixtures is essential in the beverage industry. Challenges include maintaining recipe accuracy, preventing contamination, and saving time during production processes.

Optimize juice mixing with precise control

The Juice Mixing Station by Bucher Unipektin is an advanced system designed for efficient preparation of juice mixtures from a wide array of available components. The system operates using control software that manages valve operations and coordinates with valve blocks, allowing multiple mixing cycles to run concurrently. Users can input types, quantities, and storage locations of ingredients into the program, which stores data for up to one hundred ingredients and several hundred ready-made recipes. A controller oversees the mixing process, ensuring each component is accurately dosed and tracked in real-time. Visualization features allow operators to monitor every step of the ingredient path and mixing progress, enhancing control and precision. The system adheres to HACCP standards, ensuring full traceability. Post-production, the program initiates automatic cleaning procedures that can run in parallel with ongoing production, avoiding downtime and contamination.


  • Precise control ensures consistent product quality
  • Time-saving through optimized production processes
  • Accurate dosing reduces waste and increases efficiency
  • Full traceability with HACCP-compliant software
  • Automatic cleaning reduces contamination and downtime



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