Butter Re-packaging Line

Although bulk butter blocks are commonly used in commercial food production, they are heavy and difficult to handle manually.

Re-pack bulk butter packs into consumer-size portions

The butter re-packing line (RPL) from FASA is engineered to re-pack previously packaged 10-25 kg butter blocks into portion sizes as per consumer demand.  With four different steps, the butter is cut, homogenized, re-filled, and wrapped into smaller bricks:

To start with, the butter block is cut into 20-90 mm thick pieces, while the core temperature ranges from +4 to +10°C (SLP). Then, it is homogenized to restore its properties to its pre-freezing state (SHG or BH). Once homogenized, the butter is set for filling and wrapping into individual bricks (ARM). The butter portions are organized in the desired arrangement, concerning the number of layers, rows, and portions in each row. A transporter then feeds the block of portions to the case packer, where the machine further pushes the blocks into a manually placed pre-prepared carton box (DSU).

The machine offers a range of package sizes from 50-1000 g, and its modifications cover a broad dosing range and a wide variation of brick sizes. It can pack products in sizes ranging from 50-100 g and 100-250 g, with a capacity of up to 70 packs/min; 250-500 g, with a capacity of up to 40 packs/min; while 500-1000 g with a capacity of up to 20 packs/min.


  • Converts into portable bricks easily.
  • Accurate dosing to avoid leakage.
  • Wide dosing range from 50-1000 g.
  • Flexible brick output size and shape.
  • Easy semi-automatic operation.

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