Automated dispensing system for bioprocesses

Biopharmaceutical manufacturers require precisely known liquid quantities for testing and process development but time spent measuring and dispensing liquids in the laboratory is expensive and adds no value to the final product.  Use of an automated system for accurately dispensing liquids saves time and labor allowing laboratory personnel to focus on value added tasks.

High precision, high accuracy automated liquid dispensing with the touch of a button

Scilog is focused on improving the quality and efficiency of customers’ processes in the biopharmaceutical industry through enhancements and automation of sensing, filtration and other processing needs.  The company’s LabTec system is an automated liquid dispensing system allowing up to 10 user defined dispensing volumes to be established and accurately repeated at the touch of a button.  Accuracy is improved while laboratory technician’s time is saved by avoiding the need to repeatedly measure liquid amounts.  Accuracy of better than 1% is typically achieved.  The system can dispense by volume, or when connected to an electronic balance, by weight and weight ratio.  Dispensing by weight provides enhanced accuracy while dispensing by weight ratio saves even more labor by automatically dispensing the correct amount of fluid based on the weight of substance already in the vessel.  In this way, accurate dilutions can be made without the technician having to carefully measure either substance.  A roughly measured sample of one substance is added to the vessel and the correct amount of diluent is automatically dispensed based on the user defined required weight ratio.  When used with the SciDoc Documentation system the LabTec also compiles, displays and documents up to 10 process parameters providing real-time information about the dispensing progress and status.


  • Accurate and repeatable automated liquid dispensing
  • Greatly reduces labor spent repeatedly measuring liquids
  • Performs accurate automatic dilutions
  • Several pump types available
  • Flow rates from 0.5 to 3700 mL-min are available

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