Autoclave for canned food

Sealing and cooking products in cans, pouches or other containers is a very popular method of preserving flavour and extending shelf life for a wide range of products. From baby meals to dairy products, convenience foods to pet products, pressure cooking is the most efficient method. However, traditional autoclave solutions can be limited to a single container type. They can also promote inefficient thermal transfer when used with non-traditional containers, risking cold-spots or burning. A water-immersion solution removes these risks while allowing a wide range of container types to be processed.

Full water immersion retort with rotation for processing your food products in cans, jars and pouches

The Automat and Rotomat series of full water immersion retort from DFT Technology has been designed to enhance product quality, increase production flexibility and ensure the highest levels of food safety.

Designed to handle a range of modern packaging solutions, including pouches and flexible containers, the Automat/Rotomat range completely covers the containers in a water bath. This not only provides exceptionally even heat transfer but can also guarantee 100% oxygen-free processing.

Utilising high-efficiency heat exchangers and an energy storage system, the Automat/Rotomat series reaches the set temperature very quickly, ensuring that the necessary lethality effect (or F-Value) is achieved as quickly as possible.

The Rotomat series adds the benefit of rotary motion. This accelerates heat transfer to the coolest part of any container – particularly useful for products of high viscosity. Process times are therefore reduced even further, preserving nutritional content and product quality.

To increase efficiency further, a wide range of loading and unloading systems are available. Options include manual packing supports and semi-automatic and automatic batch loading and unloading systems.


  • Highest quality processing of multiple products with one system
  • Water immersion technology with rotation option for faster production
  • Increased product quality and nutritional value
  • Highly efficient heat exchangers lowering running costs
  • Flexibility to process all packaging types, including flexible pouches

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