Tubular falling film evaporator for fruit juice concentrates

In the fruit juice industry, achieving high-quality concentrates while maintaining flavor and nutritional value can be challenging. Traditional methods often involve prolonged heating, which can degrade the final product, leading to a loss of both aroma and essence.

Produce concentrated fruit juices and aroma essences

The Bucher Unipektin tubular falling film evaporator system is designed for the efficient production of concentrated fruit juices and aroma essences. This system integrates pasteurization, aroma stripping, and concentration processes in one continuous operation. The energy-efficient multi-stage design, which can include mechanical or thermal vapor recompression (MVR or TVR), enhances performance by pre-heating the feed liquid through heat exchangers using the concentrated product and condensed vapors. This results in minimal energy consumption and short processing times. The system’s independently controlled pasteurizer stabilizes the product microbiologically and physicochemically before entering the evaporation columns. Optimal liquid distribution ensures even wetting inside the tubes, making the system ideal for juices with high suspended solids. Cleaning intervals are extended due to the sophisticated liquid distribution and optimized CIP system with high-performance spray nozzles. Designed by Bucher Unipektin, these evaporators facilitate high-quality juice concentrate production from a variety of fruits, including apples, pears, berries, grapes, and stone fruits.


  • High product yield via single-pass design
  • Energy-efficient with optional MVR or TVR options
  • Integrated pasteurizer for microbiological stability
  • Long cleaning intervals due to optimized CIP
  • Handles juices with high suspended solids



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