Semi-automatic trigger capping machine

Trigger spray bottle are the ideal capping solution for many chemical and household products, but for smaller volume production a fully-automatic trigger capping solution can be uneconomical. By choosing a high quality semi-automatic system you can ensure consistent capping performance for less cost while increasing your throughput.

Manual-loading trigger capping for small to medium production

The Trigger S from CMI Industries is a high-quality semi-automatic trigger capping solution for plastic bottles containing non-corrosives.  The model for corrosive products is also provided by CMI Industries.

Featuring manual trigger loading for economy, the Trigger S can be fitted with up to 3 screwing heads for extra performance. Throughput ranges from 1,500 pieces per hour for the single head version, up to 4,000 pieces per hour for the triple.

To prevent blockages there is full photocell control to sense no bottle or no trigger conditions and to stop the line. The machine can also be configured to fit dispensers in place of triggers.

Pneumatic actuators power the screw heads and the bottle stop mechanism for performance and reliability. Quick and easy manual height and width adjustment allow for rapid format changes.liquid


  • Economical alternative to fully automatic solutions for smaller production volumes
  • Option to fit multiple screwing heads to process up to 4,000 pieces per hour
  • Fully adjustable for height and width for format changes
  • Photocell control prevents blockages in the absence of bottle or trigger
  • Can also be used to install dispenser heads

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