Pilot plant system for margarine and bakery fats production

In the food industry, scaling up production from lab experiments to full-scale manufacturing requires pilot plant testing. This step is crucial for validating production processes and ensuring consistent quality in products such as margarine, butter, and bakery fats.

Custom-built systems for versatile food production

The Pilot Plant System by CHEMTECH (Omnia Technologies) is tailored for the production and testing of various fats and oils-based products, including margarines, butter, shortenings, spreads, pastry margarines, ghee, and bakery fats/creams. These units operate at true pilot scale, approximately 1/10th of full production scale. This facilitates a seamless transfer to larger production scales while allowing for sufficient product batches for end-user testing. The pilot plants are fully skid-mounted, ensuring easy installation and customization to specific requirements.


  • True pilot scale, approximately 1/10th of production scale
  • Facilitates easy transfer to full-scale production
  • Produces substantial test batches for end-user validation
  • Fully skid-mounted for ease of installation
  • Custom-built to meet specific production requirements



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