Intelligent whirlpool system for breweries

In brewing, minimizing losses during wort separation while maintaining high wort quality is essential. Traditional whirlpool systems often struggle with maximizing yield and efficient use of resources, posing challenges for breweries aiming to optimize performance.

Enhance yield and quality with shorter whirlpool times.

The Alfa Laval Intelligent Whirlpool System (IWS) integrates seamlessly with existing whirlpool processes and Alfa Laval Foodec decanter centrifuges to deliver enhanced efficiency in breweries. By adding a decanter loop to the conventional whirlpool, the IWS system reduces whirlpool losses to a maximum of 0.1%, thereby increasing brewing yields by 1-3% in standard breweries and even more in solids-intensive craft breweries. The system shortens the whirlpool process time by 10-20%, as validated by a technical report from VL, without compromising wort quality. The recaptured wort maintains 100% traceability and is returned to the same brew, while separated solids are repurposed as valuable by-products like animal feed. The IWS system minimizes fouling and clogging in the wort cooler and reduces trub amount in fermentation, thus improving hop utilization and operational speed. Suitable for brew sizes larger than 50 hl (43 bbl), the system offers a fully automated, compact modular design for easy start-up and operation, ensuring optimal investment costs and rapid payback, as demonstrated by its implementation at Brains Brewery.


  • Increased brewing yield by up to 3%
  • Shorter whirlpool process time by 10-20%
  • Improved wort quality with minimized fouling and clogging
  • 100% process traceability of recovered wort
  • Repurposes trub solids into valuable by-products like animal feed



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