Fluid sample-taking module for high cell density cultures

Automatic sampling of reactor vessels requires careful fluid management to achieve cell-free sampling. In high-density cultures or highly viscous media, this becomes even more important. A self-calibrating fluid control module can be added to sampling probes and automatic samplers that overcome these challenges and provides consistent sample quality.

Increased fluid management for automatic samplers

The Flownamics Seg-Mod 202 is a self-calibrating fluidic module for high cell density cultures.

Seg-Mod 202 mounts easily to the Flownamics FISP probes used with the trendy Seg-Flow line of automated samplers and uses ultrasonic sensors for increased accuracy and reliability.

The Seg-Mod calculates the fluidic pull on the probe to ensure accurate cell-free sampling. When it detects an increase in viscosity, it will decrease flow rates to maintain sample quality.

The unit is completely scale-independent, and it’s been designed to work with vessels from any manufacturer at scales from the lab through to full production.


  • Improved sample quality in dense and high viscosity cultures
  • High measurement accuracy thanks to ultrasonic sensors
  • Works seamlessly with FISP probes and Seg-Flow automated samplers to enhance their performance
  • Can be used with any vessels from all manufacturers without modification
  • Simple to install and self-calibrating for ease of use

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