Filter dryer

The pharmaceutical and bioprocess industries need filtration processes of particularly high quality to ensure the containment of potentially hazardous substances and avoid product contamination. Experienced biopharmaceutical manufacturers know that equipment designed for general industry use often falls short of the tight quality and hygienic standards of our industry and that producers who embrace high quality pharmaceutical grade equipment will have an advantage over competitors.

A pharmaceutical grade filter system with maximum separation and complete filter cake removal and drying

Mavag AG’s smaller scale and focus on their tradition of Swiss craftsmanship ensure the impeccable product quality that customers need. The company’s Filter Dryer system is an agitated pressure filter with added features that make it particularly well suited to the pharmaceutical and bioprocess industries. The unit consists of a single plate filter that effectively removes solids from the processed mixture and forms a filter cake. The filter caked can be re-suspended in a liquid slurry using the magnetically driven agitator. This allows the filter cake to be discharged without exposing the interior of the system to the surrounding environment—reducing contamination and exposure risk. The unit also includes a heated vessel and agitator, a solvent recovery system, a vacuum generator, and a dust filter. These added features allow for very thorough washing of the filter cake and complete removal of solvent from the filter cake in a completely enclosed process step.  This makes the units extremely valuable to process that require excellent containment and avoidance of cross contamination as are commonly found in the pharmaceutical and bioprocess industries.


  • A completely enclosed filtration process
  • Units available with .15 M^2 to 10 M^2 filtration area
  • Vessel volumes from 85 to 10000 L
  • Filter cake volumes from 30 to 4000 L
  • Unit diameters from 450 mm to 3200 mm

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