Ethylene oxide sterilization chamber

Designed for the terminal sterilization of temperature sensitive medical-health products in large batches.

The most efficient sterilization agent

EtO autoclaves from Telstar Life-Sciences offers the best performance for the terminal sterilization of temperature-sensitive medical-health products not to mention that they are custom-built to each customer’s specific requirements. This Ethylene Oxide sterilization chamber has high technical performance, GMP design and complies with the applicable European standards: PED, CE marking (including ATEX), etc. The units are constructed in modules which require a certain level of expertise during the installation and commissioning. Given the risks involved with ethylene oxide as a carcinogenic agent, GMP specifies that this type of sterilization should only be used if there is no other alternative available.

Nevertheless, these medical devices are thermo-sensitive and delicate products. In this case, investment in sterilization equipment using EtO is fully justified.


  • High production capacity
  • GMP design and complies with the applicable European standards
  • Customized configuration
  • Hazard and operability (HAZOP) and safety tests
  • Operational safety

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