Germination Cabinet For Commercial Growing

Each variety of seed has its optimum growing conditions including temperature, lighting, and day and night cycle. If any of these conditions are not correct, the growth process can be compromised. For example, if heat is applied to the seedlings as it breaks the surface, germination can happen too quickly. Using a germination cabinet that lets you test the seed germination by adjusting the conditions accurately can help you understand how to prevent this from happening.

Applying Heat and Light for the Germination of Seeds

The QGM-4000 Seed Germination Cabinet from Seed Processing Holland is a seed germination system that can provide an ideal environment for germination process. The germination cabinet is suitable for performing germination tests in research and development. It can adjust temperature and humidity as well as lighting and day/night cycle. The 24-hour cycle can be divided into 12 parts with each part having its own temperature, lighting conditions, and timespan set. The system is equipped with automatic temperature control and alarm with an accuracy of +/- 2.5 degrees Celsius of the set temperature. Maximum and minimum temperature limits can also be set and connected to an external alarm or reporting station.

This stainless steel seed germination chamber has an inner structure composed of a double glass window for the left and right sides, and a glass door on the front. The purpose of this structure is to prevent the heat and humidity from the lights from affecting the germination temperature. This is because the heating element is thermostatically controlled. The germination cabinet is provided with five shelves that can be placed on different heights and the doors are supplied with fluorescent lamps. For mobility, the cabinet is equipped with four wheels.


  • Flexible adjustments to the germination conditions (temperature, light, day, and night cycle)
  • Less supervision with automatic temperature control and alarm
  • Mobility with standard wheels
  • 24-hour operation can be monitored through reports
  • Temperature range 10 to 50 °C with light and 0 to 50 °C without light

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